New Record Maine Lake Trout

Maine Angler’s Logbook Andover Man Catches Record Togue Erik Poland, 34 of Andover, caught a lake trout July 2, 2020 that broke a 62-year-old state record. Poland’s togue measured 44 inches and was certified to weigh 39.2 pounds! The previous record was a 31.5 lb lake trout caught at Beech Hill Pond in 1958 by … Continued

Trophy Buck Hunters: The Common Thread

  Maine Deer Hunter’s Logbook By V. Paul Reynolds There are deer hunters and, then, there are buck hunters. Which are you? Of course, you say, we are all buck hunters, one way or another. Any Maine deer hunter who does not have a doe tag is a buck hunter, right? True, but there are … Continued

Streamer Size Matters

By Ben Rioux What many anglers fail to realize is that when it comes to smelt imitation (or really any imitation patterns for that matter), size plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of any pattern. April marks the traditional start of open water fishing in the state of Maine, but as I’ve noted in … Continued

North Woods Wet Flies

By Bob Romano In addition, many of the northern New England rivers and streams are characterized by fast-running rapids and runs, preventing fish from closely examining insects. Anglers traveling to northern New England may be surprised to find that although there is a time and place to cast dry flies, on most days, fishing under … Continued

Return of the King

BY V. Paul Reynolds There is one angling odyssey, however, that is above all others, a fishing experience that for me eclipses in a profound way the other outstanding fishing experiences. As a fisherman, I have been blessed. In more than 60 years of dedicated recreational angling, many memorable fishing adventures have come my way. … Continued

A Spring Canoe Fishing Trip on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway

By Matt LaRoche A spring canoe trip on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway (AWW) is an exciting way to start the open water fishing season. Combining fishing and canoeing goes together like cooking bacon and eggs for breakfast. The smelt runs start soon after ice out on the waterway headwater lakes. Brook trout and togue follow … Continued

More Moose Permits

By: Lee Kantar The spruce budworm outbreak of the 1970s created widespread moose habitat across the commercial forestlands of Maine spurring an increase in moose numbers through the late 1990s. While this was great for moose hunters and wildlife watchers alike, animal populations that grow too dense can create problems when too many animals are … Continued

The Canoe

By T.J. Coongate   “What’s that old boat in the loft of the barn?” I asked Uncle Arnold as he fried brook trout in a big cast iron frying pan. Me and Joe were seated in the kitchen of my Uncle Arnold’s old farmhouse waiting patiently for the first trout fry of the season. We … Continued

Legendary Maine Bucks

By V. Paul Reynolds   Maine has long been famous for its “monster” whitetail bucks. Of course, the most fabled of these is the 1955 Horace Hinckley buck, a big-toed bruiser that field-dressed at a jaw-dropping 355 lbs! No other buck has since come close to this famous buck, when it comes to sheer weight. … Continued

The 16 Gauge Resurgence

By Tom Kelly The resurgence in lighter, sleeker shotguns has prompted some of the major shotgun manufacturers to introduce some newer versions of the 16 gauge in the last few years. The 16 gauge was another victim of the magnum craze. It seemed like for a while if it didn’t have a 3” or 3 … Continued

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