The Mystery of the Lost Hunter

BY Warden Kevin O’Leary Garfield Plantation, a small Aroostook County town that neighbors Ashland is the scene for one of the most puzzling and baffling unsolved lost persons case in Maine Warden Service history. Since I first heard the bizarre story behind a man who simply vanished after an extensive and exhaustive search, I have … Continued

Bear (or Pork) & Pumpkin Stew

Bear (or Pork) & Pumpkin Stew This is a great and easy recipe to make with a fatty and rich meat like bear, and if you don’t have any of this- pork will do. Works great for stew cuts of venison as well. Ingredients: pretty simple and usually around 1-2 lbs. of chunked bear or … Continued

Best Trout Lures

By Peter St. James Well, with the spring gobbler season set to end on May 31st and the Moose Lottery applications due by midnight on May 31st, we can now turn our attention to fishing. New Hampshire offers two free fishing days each year, (The first Saturday in June and The third Saturday in January) … Continued

June Fly Fishing

BY Matt LaRoche Oh! How I look forward to the month of June- it is the best month for fly fishing of the year. The water has warmed up a bit, the fish are active and the insect activity is at its peak. Landlocked salmon and brook trout will “zero in” on whatever insects are … Continued

Spring Fishing Report

Sebago Lake Region From Fisheries Resource Supervisor James Pellerin, 3/18/24 Where to fish: Most of the lakes and ponds in southern Maine experienced ice-out by mid-March, so many anglers will have already been fishing by the time this report hits the press.  For early season lakes and ponds, I would suggest focusing your efforts on lake … Continued

Rifle Accuracy Thieves

By Tom Kelly Col. Townsend Whelan once said, “Only accurate rifles interest me”. Well, accuracy is one of those relative terms. It can mean different things to different people. Sub MOA or minute of angle groups are a requirement for long range competition shooters. Minute of angle translates to a 1” or smaller 3 shot … Continued


Maine Deer Hunter’s Logbook By V. Paul Reynolds From Islandport Press, a seasoned Maine outdoorsman retraces his steps with precision, poignancy and pluck. “Backtrack” will deepen your connection to the outdoors, bring a smile, and may even stir your soul. From deer camps and green drakes and tips and recipes, to outdoor calamities and astonishing … Continued

Finally, Trout Season Opens

By Gary Moore We open water trout anglers get real antsy by the end of March, often casting on the lawn and dreaming of opening day.  This year that occurs on Saturday, April 13.  Like so many others I will be plying the waters of local streams hoping to entice a trout to hit. As I … Continued

Atlantics: The King Clings On

BY V. Paul Reynolds “Chase the fish, boy..yer down to the backin’ the fish,”shouted my guide. The Medalist reel sang as the 9 weight line wound off the spool with authority. The tip of the Sage fly rod pulsated as the 18-pound Atlantic salmon lived up to its reputation, leaping and twisting above the frothing … Continued

Never Cry Wolf

By Mark McCollough It was the wee hours of the morning at the dead-end of a rutted logging road deep in the vast Ragmuff clearcut in northern Maine. A carpet of stars blanketed the moonless night. We stepped out of the truck, set up the speakers, and played a recorded sequence of wolf calls that … Continued

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