All Outdoor

Wild Meat Spoilers
By V. Paul Reynolds Let me be blunt. When it comes to eating out, I am a cynical curmudgeon who prefers my own or my wife’s great cooking. Frequent patronizing of restaurants is my idea of an obligatory chore. My wife is convinced that my jaded view of restaurants is grounded in the fact … Continued
Bear (or Pork) & Pumpkin Stew
Bear (or Pork) & Pumpkin Stew This is a great and easy recipe to make with a fatty and rich meat like bear, and if you don’t have any of this- pork will do. Works great for stew cuts of venison as well. Ingredients: pretty simple and usually around 1-2 lbs. of chunked bear or … Continued
Sporting Journal’s Top Shelf Game & Fish Recipes
Bear (or Pork) & Pumpkin Stew This is a great and easy recipe to make with a fatty and rich meat like bear, and if you don’t have any of this- pork will do. Works great for stew cuts of venison as well. Ingredients: pretty simple and usually around 1-2 lbs. of chunked bear or … Continued

Best Spots in Maine for Summer Moose Sightings
By V. Paul Reynolds Of course, each WMA (Wildlife Management Area) has its own unique terrain and habitat, but there are common denominators: bogs and dead waters are always a good bet, as well as small ponds with lily pads and other aquatic vegetation. Time of day is also key when shopping around for … Continued
A Spring Canoe Fishing Trip on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway
By Matt LaRoche A spring canoe trip on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway (AWW) is an exciting way to start the open water fishing season. Combining fishing and canoeing goes together like cooking bacon and eggs for breakfast. The smelt runs start soon after ice out on the waterway headwater lakes. Brook trout and togue follow … Continued

Decline in Woodsmanship
Maine Deer Hunter’s Logbook By Hal Blood As I said in my last column, I’m amazed at how many hunters today can’t even use a compass. That is why very few hunters venture more than a quarter of a mile from a road. Last month I wrote about the lack of navigation skills that keeps … Continued
The Cougar Sightings
By V. Paul Reynolds For almost as long as I have been writing about the Maine outdoors, this fascinating question has persisted: “Are there mountain lions (cougars) in Maine?” In a way, the elusive and mysterious cougar has become somewhat of a Maine folklore icon, the Maine equivalent of Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest. … Continued

The Last Camp Geezer
Maine Deer Hunter’s Logbook By V. Paul Reynolds Back when America produced real leaders, one of them – Gen. Douglas MacArthur – said in one of his famous speeches that “old soldiers never die, they just fade away.” Maybe the same is true of old sportsmen. As a stalwart deer hunter from the Old … Continued

Cougar Encounters in Maine
Cougar Encounters in Maine Editor’s note: There are a variety of names that connote the same animal: mountain lion, cougar, panther, puma and catamount. Tiff Shuttlesworth, Brewer “In November of 2019 I saw, unmistakably, a cougar walking along the wooded edge of my back yard early one morning. (I have 8 acres surrounded by large … Continued