New England's Premier
Hunting, Fishing &
Outdoor Magazine

Grouse Hunting Basics

By Paul Fuller      Due to last year’s outstanding grouse season, I’ve never had so many emails asking about grouse hunting.  Plus, most of the major grouse camps are booked for this fall.  You can separate yourself from the maddening crowd by being just a little smarter about your approach to grouse hunting.  Here’s … Continued

Moose: Shot Placement

By V. Paul Reynolds A big target, a moose. What do you aim for? There have always been different schools of thought on this question. Wives tales abound. Moose are Maine’s largest big game animal by far. Bulls have been known to top the scales in excess of 1,000 lbs! Because of their sheer size … Continued

The Venerable 30:06

  By Tom Kelly All of the bear species have been taken with a .30-06, moose, elk, bison, musk ox, wolves, coyotes, and every species of deer have been dispatched. Was this the optimum choice for each of these animals? Perhaps not, but nonetheless, it did the job. The Round There is an old saying … Continued

Big Moose Tactics

By Nathan Theriault You have been drawn for a once-in-a-lifetime moose tag. Or maybe, second, third or fourth. If that is the case, you are extremely lucky or blessed. There’s nothing wrong with a little of both, if it gets you a tag. However, being lucky alone does not work so well today with filling … Continued

Good News for Maine Deer Yards!

By V. Paul Reynolds     There is very good news for Maine’s whitetail deer. LD 404, an Act to Preserve Deer Habitat, a deer-yard protection measure is a done deal! Not in all my years in reporting on the Maine outdoors can I recall a single legislative initiative with such potential to salvage Maine’s … Continued

Results of Maine Deer Hunter Survey

Edited by V. Paul Reynolds     The Northwoods Sporting Journal received 59 responses to its deer hunter survey. These responses have been collated and are reported below. Although the statistical validity of this survey may not comply with scientific protocols, it does lend some anecdotal insights into what Maine deer hunters are thinking and … Continued

Tips for Bear Hunters

By John Floyd   In recent years, the smartphone and social media have by far saved more bears during the bait season than any other factor. No matter how emphasis I put on this, I still have clients, season after season, getting caught banging away on their phones instead of being still, focused and quiet. … Continued

Game Wardens Needed

By Kale O’Leary   With openings in virtually every corner of the State of Maine, I encourage anyone who has ever thought of pursuing this career to reach out to your local Warden, inquire about meeting to have a coffee or even ride along for a day to learn more about the job. The Maine … Continued

Spruce Mountain Sasquatch

By Robert Spearin Up on Spruce Mountain, down there on Route 9, There’s a place that’s forgotten by man and by time. It’s a ten acre place where no one has gone, With some cliffs and a cave and it’s own little pond. And a cloud always hides it so no one would know That … Continued

The Lowly Togue

By V. Paul Reynolds In the lineup of Maine’s game-fish inventory, our togue (Lake Trout) is the black sheep of the family among salmonids. In the frying pan, compared with a pan-fried brookie or a poached landlocked salmon, the togue is not memorable table fare. Togue have remarkable longevity, some living up to 20 years. … Continued

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