
Fooling Finicky Fish
By V. Paul Reynolds Fish psychology- why fish behave the way they do- holds fascination for just about every serious angler, but especially fly fishermen. Just when you think that you have the fish finally figured out, presto, the fly or lure that was working like a charm gets ignored by the same fish that … Continued
The Fly Fisherman
By Bob Cram In me and Joe’s endless years of high school incarceration, physical education instructors came and went at random intervals. The one who left the most lasting impression was a tall beanpole of a man named Lucien Frizz. Mr. Frizz was actually an English teacher, but at the time no job in his … Continued

Famous Trolling Flies
By Bob Leeman During those early years of streamer fly designs, there were many recognized creators of new streamer fly concoctions. Even today, the avocation of creating and fly tying continues to increase in popularity. Most of Maine and New England’s lake and trollers and streamer fly assemblers would remember Carrie Stevens, noted creator of … Continued

The Early Hatches
By Matt LaRoche The Hendrickson hatch is the first hatch of the season on the river. It usually occurs on or about Memorial Day weekend. I worked on the West Branch of the Penobscot as Park Manager of the Penobscot River Corridor for over 20-years. During those years, I had the opportunity to … Continued

New Record Maine Lake Trout
Maine Angler’s Logbook Andover Man Catches Record Togue Erik Poland, 34 of Andover, caught a lake trout July 2, 2020 that broke a 62-year-old state record. Poland’s togue measured 44 inches and was certified to weigh 39.2 pounds! The previous record was a 31.5 lb lake trout caught at Beech Hill Pond in 1958 by … Continued

Moosehead Lake’s Jaw-Dropping Brook Trout
By V. Paul Reynolds Henry David Thoreau, beholding Moosehead Lake for the first time, wrote this: “a gleaming silver platter at the end of the table.” If only he could have seen the lake from the air! The first time that I saw the big lake from the air in a northbound ski-plane my jaw … Continued

Maine Fall Fishing Hot Spots Statewide
Region A- SEBAGO Outlook on the fall season: September is one of the best fishing months for rainbow trout in Maine. The fish are still in the best part of their growing season and water temperatures in the top layers of the lakes are cooling which allow trout more access to a variety of prey in … Continued

Parmachenee Lake- The Hidden Jewel
By Bob Romano The Native Americans of the region did not keep written records, and for this reason it is hard to distinguish between fact and fiction when it comes to their legacy, but there are a number of tales that involve Chief Metallak. Located deep within the northwest corner of Maine’s vast forestland, Parmachenee … Continued

Fishing the Belgrades
Maine Angler’s Logbook by Dennis Bolduc Ever since I was a kid growing up in Waterville, fishing in the Belgrades was a topic I heard often. Unfortunately, my family did little to none when it came to fishing. I was very fortunate to have lived next door to some great neighbors who always took the … Continued

Trouting the Beaverkill
Fishing Small Runs By Dave Wilson Along the far bank is a ledge of New York granite that runs the length of the pool. At first and last light the darkened granite looks like the silhouette of a prehistoric bear standing up to his belly in the stream, fishing. The branches of a Douglas fur … Continued