More Than Wolverine
Jeremiah Wood, who writes a monthly column about outdoor books for the Northwoods Sporting Journal, has released a new book: “More Than Wolverine.” Deep in the Alaska wilderness, many miles from roads, villages, and even the nearest neighbor, a few hardy individuals still eke out a living in small isolated cabins. They navigate waterways and hand-cut trails by snowmachine or dog team, and trap furbearers the traditional way. This story follows one man’s fulfillment of a lifelong dream to experience this lifestyle first hand and roam the country where the old time fur trappers once thrived. Connection to the past, a desire to live off the land outside of modern society, and the realities of modern life come together in this reflective account of a lifestyle that’s all but gone away.
“More than Wolverine” is available on ($19.95), and signed copies are available directly from the author. Send $25 to: Jeremiah Wood, 408 Goding Road, Ashland, ME 04732.